District Title IX Coordinator

Jeanine L. Corson

Chief Human Resources Officer



Title VI, Title VII and Title IX Discrimination and Harassment Information

New Albany Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation (“District”) prohibits discrimination and harassment. It is the policy of the School Board to maintain an education and work environment which is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment including on the basis of an individual’s actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If you or someone you know has experience discrimination and/or harassment at school or that has interfered with the school setting, you may submit a complaint form to have the incident(s) reviewed and potentially investigated by the District’s Title IX Coordination. Any student, parent/guardian, or school employee may complete this form. The form will be automatically directed to the District’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator or designated school officials will investigate and resolve the complaint under the District’s policies and regulations, and consistent with all applicable federal and state laws. The district will respect the privacy of students to the extent permitted by District policy and state and federal law. Retaliation against any individual who makes a complaint or who participates or assists in an investigation discrimination and/or harassment is strictly prohibited.

Complaint Form